Developing a digital marketing strategy

Every business should invest in a dynamic website to grow their brand. Having a website that is unique to your business give you complete creative control over how you present your brand to the world. Of course, you need to have a nuanced and all-encompassing Web development strategy in place to draw your audience to your site, and you have to understand how to use the site.

Having a consistent message to grow your brand

Consistent branding and messaging is the key to great branding.

The dynamic website

When we work with clients, we aren’t just looking to build a website. Our Web development consists of looking at user experience, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and brand messaging. You want your website to be dynamic, not static. Building a dynamic website means that you try to optimize content based on each user so that you can personalize the experience. You may be targeting a very specific niche audience, but even though they all share similar traits and lifestyles, every person is different. Not every single vegan mom who drives a Prius and has their own organic vegetable garden is going to like all the same things. A dynamic Web design will take into consideration the nuances of your niche audience.

Consistent messaging

What separates us from other Web developers is our ability to create experiences. We are storytellers, and we want to help each client tell their unique story. Our Web development strategy will focus as much on consistent branding and messaging as on your ability to run your website to continue to personalize the experience for your customers.

Dynamic Web design means that you aren’t just letting your customers know who you are, but you are signaling that you are interested in understanding who they are as well. You are building a relationship, and the foundation for a great relationship has always been honesty, as well as a constant give and take.

Online headquarters

Your website is like your online headquarters. It’s where everything begins, but we also understand that everything online is connected. A successful website will easily connect your content to all the social media platforms, and it is compatible with every device.

Search Engine Optimization

Your content has to be easy for your customers to read and understand. At the same time, you need to make sure that search engines understand your website as well. That’s where our Web development team comes in. We speak SEO. We know how to code your website so that whatever search engine your customers are using, your Web content will show up. For search engine databases to recognize your website, you need to know how to code keywords. Keywords are the words that your customers are most likely to type when they search. Depending on your brand and your industry, we can help you target the right keywords for SEO.

Denver’s best Web development team

At Garlic, we believe in the power of the website. Together, we will come up with a unique and customizable Web presence. We develop the overall design and brand messaging, as well as teach you and your staff how to use the site. Furthermore, when you work with Denver’s best Web development team, you get the full package, from design to implementation.