Effective communication is an art. Whenever you attempt to convey an idea, develop a strategy, or compromise to reach an agreement, communication is key. The very nature of two parties convening from different perspectives guarantees that communication will not be flawless. Thankfully, there is a way to ensure that obstacles and misunderstandings are a healthy part of the creative process and do not necessarily result in failure. This key to success in communication, is defining a common goal.

Discover The Common Goal

When setting out to accomplish any goal, the first and most important step, is to identify what that goal is. This can be especially challenging as it requires both the foresight to visualize something that does not exist, as well the courage to not be disheartened by the work yet to be done. Throughout this process, it is important to clearly define what each measure of success is and how it can be externally measured. Setting these clear and specific benchmarks will act as a catalyst for growth and keep you true to your mission.

Once you have a vivid picture of exactly what you are aiming to achieve, it is helpful to develop a mission statement. This should be a short, precise, summary of all the ideals and aims you developed until now. The mission statement should not be a catch-all that can be molded to any intent. Rather, it should be a measure by which any impartial observer could determine whether or not, you are attempting to fulfill the described objective. This emphasis on clear definition and explicit benchmarks for progress will be invaluable when attempting to communicate this message to others, and it will ensure you are striving towards your highest aspirations.

Remain Loyal to The Goal

Once you have clearly defined your goal, it is much easier to find others who value your services. Without a clear mission that others can relate to, any relationship you initiate is starting on shaky grounds. The only way to ensure that you and your client are on the same page is to have a foundational objective upon which everything else is dependent. From this point, benchmarks of success are essential. This combination of factors means clients understand exactly what to expect and what a job well done means to you. This is essential in establishing trust in your brand and developing long lasting relationships with clients. In the all too common case that a disagreement arises, you can always reflect back on the predefined benchmarks of success, which provides guidance on how to rectify the situation.

If the issue stems from the inflation of the client’s expectations, as a business owner you can point to the predetermined definitions for a successful job, to respectfully defuse the situation. And in the case that you have left something to be desired, the client will be able to point out exactly what the shortcoming is and how you will be able to fix it.

Having a defined goal acts as a foundation for all future communication, and as long as you and the client remain committed to that goal, nothing can stand in your way.