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Why Video Marketing is so Powerful

The Power of Video- Denver Garlic Media

Based on e-commerce research, video content is influencing consumers and changing the world of marketing. Here are a few examples taken from recent studies to highlight the power of video marketing and consumer engagement.

Video Boosts Overall SEO

Let’s start by making one thing clear, Google LOVES video content! A video is 50 times more likely than a traditional webpage to be listed on the first page of a google search. Google started prioritizing videos in their algorithms after they bought YouTube way back in 2006.

Video content has also created an environment of consumer engagement, unlike anything we have seen in the past. In general, video content has at least double the number of shares, comments, and likes than standard posts on social media.

Video Marketing Helps Build Trust

A company’s foundation is built on having a trusting relationship with their clients and followers. Video has a way of sweeping consumers into a story. Humans love stories and this is why video marketing can have such an impact on targeted consumers.

In particular, there are two types of video concepts that have the greatest effect on trust building:

Promotional Videos- Promotional videos show the consumer exactly why they need your product in their life. Whether its a video to promote a sports team or an instructional video for the newest drone, a video will get consumers excited to experience the product for themselves.

Rhetorical Appeal Videos-  Let’s go back to high school English class for a minute. Logos (logical), pathos (emotional), and ethos (credibility) appeals. By using rhetorical appeals companies can persuade their audience and connect to them on a deeper level. This content strategy is perfect for any type of non-profit organization or for companies who have a strong mission behind their brand.

Mobile Content

Since the addition of videos on Facebook newsfeeds, video content has increased significantly. Many consumers find text-based content arduous and time-consuming. Older generations also may have trouble reading small text and are therefore more likely to skip over information. By introducing video into band content, companies can open the door to marketing directly to these demographics.   

Embrace the power of video marketing, contact us today!

Video marketing is an exciting new step that is being taken throughout the industry.  Garlic Media is proud to be at the forefront of innovation in the world of video content and we are committed to helping our customers find their voice through branding, web development, and video marketing.

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