Alan Samuel, Executive VP of Innovation

Alan Samuel will be joining the Garlic Media Group team as our new Executive VP of Innovation. With his background in tech and innovation as the head of UX / UI at Apple inc. for many of their firsts. From the first iPod, first iPhone, development of the Mac iOS system, and even all the way back to working on the first version of QuickTime media player and suggesting the incorporation of java into the Apple system, Alan has been part of a tremendous amount of innovation in one of the most innovative companies in all of history. With his understanding of productization of technology, Garlic Media Group is looking to create a massive disruption into the video production and video marketing realm.
“The future is bright with innovation and integrations with AI (artificial intelligence), AR (augmented reality), and VR (virtual reality) and Garlic wants to be at the forefront of all of that.” Will Feldman, CEO
“A lot of you who have known me for years, have known I’ve done a lot of different things in my career and I have a lot of different personal passions.
One of the things that really excited me about coming to work here at Garlic Media Group is the fact that I would have the opportunity to work with some top-tier talent in their respective fields and combining some of the technology-based work that I’ve done in my past and how that can affect a business’ marketing.
Combining things, for instance, in the virtual reality space or some other technology spaces and making those products available for our customers.” – Alan Samuel